Thursday, February 28, 2019

   Monday, I first went into assembly then it was P.E lesson in P.E we practiced Zumba and then we have to perform in front of our P.E Teacher. Each student gets a group consisting of 5-6 pupils. Each group get to perform. Our group was second after the other group was naughty so they were put last to perform. I didn't make it through the test, but I was given a second chance next week.

   Once done we had our break, after break we learned Math, in math we learned about acute-angles, obtuse-angles, and right-angles. We learned how to identify angles. We were told to open our book to page 119 to fill a table that we have to answer. There are triangles named A, B, C, D, E, and bob. We have to find the answers by using our protactor ( I lost mine after Monday :( )

   Then we had our lunch, after lunch we learned English. The English lesson is listening, we were told to listen to the story our teacher opens and we watch it while remembering it. The story is called How Full is Your Bucket? The story is about a kid who doesn't believe the words his grandpa that is about a bucket that is filled with water above your head, then one day he woke up seeing a translucent bucket filled with water. Once the day goes on his bucket starts to spill out and empty out because of his experience in school, but later in the day it starts filling up again because of his friends that is still nice to him. After listening and watching, we have to answer our teacher's questions. I was asked 2nd and was the first to answer correctly so I went home first, the others had to watch the story again.

  Tuesday, We first learnt

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